Code of Conduct


  • Every student must be neatly dressed and well groomed. The school uniform must be worn on all school days and at all school functions.
  • Parents are advised to arrange for the arrival of their children 15 minutes early from the school time and collect them within 15 minutes of the school being over, failing which the school shall in no way be responsible for the safety and security of the children.
  • Only parents or authorized guardians are allowed to pick up their wards from the school.
  • Parents can see the teacher/Principal on the second Saturday of each month from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM to enquire about the progress of the child and to sort out the problems of their wards. But still, if the parents desire to meet the concerned teacher, they can do so with a prior appointment. No parents are allowed to enter the classes.
  • Any disciplinary action including suspension & rustication can be taken against any student, not adhering to rules & regulations of the school, as deemed fit by the management.
  • Students should not disfigure school property in any way. Damage done even by accident should be reported immediately to the class teacher/Principal. Any damage done shall be made good by the student who causes it. Writing on the walls and furniture is strictly prohibited.
  • Bringing objectionable literature to school is forbidden.
  • Jewelry and other costly articles should not be worn or brought to school under any circumstances.
  • All books, stationery, and other personal belongings should bear the name of the owner. Borrowing and lending money and exchanging articles are prohibited. The school is not responsible for any loss incurred.
  • Bicycles must be kept properly locked at the cycle stand.
  • Disciplinary action will be taken against an irregularity in attendance, neglect of homework, and habitual indiscipline.
  • Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones to school. Any mobile phone found with a student will be confiscated, the phone should be returned back to the parents after the session. If any parents will insist to return the mobile, they can take the mobile back with the transfer certificate of their ward.
  • Parents are requested to co-operate in the smooth functioning of the school by abiding by the rules of the school.
  • No student will be permitted to leave school before time, without prior information given by the parents.
  • No student is permitted to bring any type of motorbike to the school campus.